
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Modern Quilt GuildHard to believe that Nov. is almost done with. Where did the time go, didn't make it this month local quild meeting, but from what I hear they  will be moving next month. Where too not sure yet. Not even sure that I will get there next month. So right now I am in the process of moving my sewing room yet again, but it will also become my office too. So I want to make sure I get things oraginzed for good this time. I haven't sewn in the last 4 weeks if not longer and its driving me nuts. So here is to getting back to it and seeing what I can get done before the holidays

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

time for another change

Well as much as I like having two blog spots, I think the one at at wordpress is going to go by the wayside and move everything to here. Unless I find another blog spot that is easy to understand.
Almost finished the secong christmas dishcloth, which is a good thing, tomorrow the rotary cutter and the fabric are going to meet and who knows what will happen when they do. All  I can hope for is something that looks half decent!!!!!