
Wednesday, February 4, 2015


It really wasn't a long winter, this year as we didn't get much snow like the previous year. For this week the cold snap is over with and it should start warming, Never have really had any faith in the groundhog day stuff. When you look at the calendar the official day of the first day of Spring is March 21st. But I guess it gives people something to hope for and look forward too. But yet  I have seen it snow in May.

So I have decide to do a giveaway once I reach  300 Likes on my facebook page.
J & J Quilts

It will be 2 sets of Dressy Kitchen Towel.

One will be for every day and then the other will be a Seasonal one.
This giveaway will run from Feburary 7th to Feburary 14th 2015.

The first and second  set will be like this style, I can't not promise it will be the exact one.

But it will brighten up any kitchen!
So head on over to J & J Quilts
and enter the Giveaway.